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Thursday, April 14, 2016

Stressed out

When problems overwhelm you...

"...Take all your problems
and rip 'em apart

Carry them 
In a shopping cart

And another thing
You should've known from the start
The problems in hand
Are lighter than at heart..."

As sang by White Stripes. Just a song? Well yeah, but it actually makes a lot of sense. It's impossible to deal with everything at the same time. You should be either a superman or a crazy-man or a deadman to actually be capable of doing such a thing. I'm not saying you can't. If you can then just do it. You do you. If you've done it go show your example and help us - all the broken, the beaten and the damned. 
Now common, let's admit that we've made countless number of promises to ourselves to get happy, to be more socially acceptable or anything else. Every new year, every new school year and so on. But did it work? Did it? What to do if drowning in problems and insecurities is your constant state of life?I think I'm the greatest example as at the begging of every school year I went with a new fresh start and lots of promises to myself. But it just never worked out. The whole semester in Uni I've been trying to be that kind of sweet cutie girl who likes everyone and dresses like a girly girl. Waking up in the morning late for classes and looking back on how stupid it was I just realise that I really should stop carrying about what people think because NOBODY CARES. There are billions of people spending their existence on this planet so why you should be the ultimate centre of it? This is not a freaking Mary Sue/Marty Stu fanfic.
It's always high time to start sorting out your life. First of all, BE YOU. Gosh, look around, it's 2016 it's the best time to be whatever freak you think you are. Secondly, take your time. I personally don't think that it's good to rush into dealing with stuff you have piled up in your "do-it-later" section. Just take a moment to run away from all that shit and, man, relax. Whether that'll be an hour, a day or a couple of weeks, just do it, let your body and mind distress a little bit. Now, when you've gained some conscious back to your mind and probably want to stay in this perfect bobble forever it's the turn for being true to yourself. Just literally sit down and write down all the stuff you need to deal with. Doesn't matter if it's big or small. Just clear the boundaries. It will help you stop wasting time on useless things. Finally, break it all in pieces and deal with it as good as you can. Just know that it'll give you a relief every time you you get to cross out a line or two from your list.
Okay okay. Finished on philosophical advices. I'm now going to do the same and try to gain my powers back. YOU'RE NOT ALONE. We're doing this together. And hey, I'll keep you up and the probability of me not being such a lazy ass and actually dealing with my problems. 


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