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Friday, April 14, 2017

Persona #5 Amber Liu

Hey Hey Hey
It's finally Friday, yay and that means another Persona post.
Honestly, I really enjoy writing such kind of things because I get to share my fav people and just things in general with you guys (low-key has no friends to talk with about these things). Tho these posts may not be the most informative 'cause I sometimes write such a random things that I like but it's definitely something you can read and relax on a Friday evening when you're taking a break from another episode of your fav series. Btw, people, new season of Skam is finally here, Oh Yes!!!

Today, we're going to talk about one and only Amber Josephine Liu (you may also know her as Amber from f(x)). I've a fan of hers for around a year or two now and can surely say that she's one of the most cool and inspirational people I've ever discovered. Okay now, who's she? (if you're not into k-pop or k-drama you should totally take a look at my Korean culture post to get a lil inside info i=on what I'm going to be talking about here). I think most people (as in me) know Amber from a k-pop girl band called f(x). They're super cool and I totally love their songs but Amber also has her solo album and a couple of collaborations with other artists. Right, so back to the topic. Amber is a gal from America who's singing in Korea in k-pop industry kinda thing. She's in her 20s and she's freaking cool.

First of, what immediately separates her from the whole k-pop (and in general Korean) community is her style and personality in terms that she's a real living example that you can stay true to yourself no matter what. That's like the thing that I try to promote everyday here. Even tho she's working in such an environment where people, especially girls, are expected to look a certain way, like very feminine or just "girly" and yet Amber is still herself wearing short haircut and dressing in gender neutral clothes. Also, can we stop for a minute and appreciate her passion fro skateboarding 'cause I'm totally feeling it all the way. This leads as to my next reason for adoring dis girl and it's her stubborn and cheerful personality. Of course we don't know even the half of it but let's remember that she moved from sunny LA to Korea to pursue a career of a k-pop idol and that's a lot of risk and hard work as well as the need of strong personality which she's definitely not lacking. Imagine having to convince your parents to let move to another country alone and having to learn new languages (as in plural languages 'cause she not only speaks English and Korean but also Japanese and Chinese, like what). This is so inspiring. I can't grasp how hard it must be to live on a foreign country all by yourself and make new friends and work your ass off. 

Now, when we're still on the theme of friends let me say a few words about dat. Amber has a shit ton of most amazing people in her friend squad (regarding the fact that she's an introvert) and I'm not going to say anything else about them rn because it would've been to much text for guys. Instead I encourage you to watch Ranting Monkey which is like a series of vlogs from Amber on youtube and it's so cool and funny that I bing watched it three times, you guys, there times.

Also, love her pets so so much. Before this gets too long I should probs finish my rant for today but let me just leave a few things her. Amber not only sings in a band and solo but also is involved in other cool activities all the time like starring in series called Entourage or doing stuff with her friends , like some recent videos they shot for Buzzfeed with Steven (her fangirling over the try guys is priceless). Having that much going on she still manages to keep in touch with her and family (family in LA btw) which is just like magical, how? Anyways, I wanted to share my true apperception for this person so here it is. Thanks for coming by and reading my stupid words. Have a nice weekend everyone

Stay inspired, stay true
Love ya all

P.S. - my fav songs by Amber are definitely Shake That Brass, Breathe Again and Beautiful 
         what are yours?

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