Hello to you, on this lovely easter Sunday.
Today I'm tuning in to post something connected with my series of becoming a better you aka Philosophical Life (introduction and first 30 days here) as per usual. This time tho, I thought I'd give us some break from all the 30 Day challenges because we already have enough going on (30 day water and 30 day self-care challenges) and indulge into something more creative and timeless.
Yes, yes, yes. We're going to create a Mood Board which will help us with positive thinking, determination and also materialisation of our dreams (aka The Law of Attraction part).
Now, we're all different an there's no right or wrong way to approach this kinda of creative process but I can help you with a few tips and ideas.

First of, decide on a the base. There are endless variations on the bases you can use to create a Mood Board: it can be a cork board, a piece fabric, cardboard, grid wires or just your wall (why not), maybe just do it in digital form? Your choice. With that comes the way you wanna connect your pieces to your base: tape, pins, glue, something else or all of the above.
When we're done with basics it's time to get creative and just go with the flow. Major Pro Tip - create a Pinterest Board dedicated to your Mood Board (believe me, this helps). Print out photos or quotes, write them, draw, do your thing. Some things you can include: photos with family and friends, fav quotes, people who inspire you, aesthetically pleasing pics, places you wanna go, dream decor or anything you want, some memorable stuff (like old tickets or notes, etc.). You can print out photos and pics, cut them from journals, take polaroids w/ your friends. Also, you can easily find high quality photos and stock websites (like Picjumbo, Jay Mantri, Getrefe and etc.)
Now stick it all on your board, don't worry id it's looking messy 'cause
“It's a cruel and random world, but the chaos is all so beautiful.”
Anyways, if you're feeling extra anxious about then there's hundreds of free templates for your all over internet so relax and get creative, you also plan it out on your computer first for you perfectionists.
Remember there is no limit in time, size or anything else.
Your life is state of constant change and so are you.
I'll check in to talk about how's my Mood Board is doing, until then tweet, pin, comment and share with me your progress over any social media.
Evolve, stay you, stay true
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